Examining the Presentation of Data – e-Learning: The Students Perspective

Yesterday CANeLearn highlighted the release of Ontario Student Trustees’ Association/Association des Élèves Conseillers/ères de l’Ontario (OSTA-AECO) report on their elearning survey results and key findings, as well as focusing on the 11 recommendations that the organization made in terms of improving e-learning in Ontario (and across Canada) so that all students can have success. One […]

Report – e-Learning: The Students Perspective

Yesterday, the Ontario Student Trustees’ Association/Association des Élèves Conseillers/ères de l’Ontario (OSTA/AECO) released their e-Learning: The Students Perspective report.  While much of the popular and social media have focused on the more sensationalized, negative perspectives that often make up the minority opinion, there is a lot of positive guidance for e-learning in Ontario – and […]

OSTA-AECO : sondage sur l’apprentissage en ligne – élèves

Depuis quelques semaines, le réseau CANeLearn interagit avec l’équipe dirigeante du « Ontario Student Trustees’ Association (OSTA)/l’Association des Élèves Conseillers/ères de l’Ontario (AECO) ». En ce moment, l’OSTA-AECO mène un sondage auprès des élèves de l’Ontario qui ont suivi ou non un cours en ligne. Nous partageons le lieu au sondage au cas où nos […]

OSTA-AECO: Student e-Learning Survey

Over the past week or so, CANeLearn has been interacting with the leadership of the Ontario Student Trustees’ Association (OSTA)/l’Association des Élèves Conseillers/ères de l’Ontario (AECO).  At present, the OSTA-AECO are conducting a survey for students who have and have not taken e-learning.  We are sharing a link to that survey here in the case […]
