
Recording – “State Of The Nation: K-12 Online Learning In Canada” iNACOL Webinar

I’ve been told that since iNACOL makes the special edition webinars that we had over the past two or three years a free webinar, that I am allowed to share the link publicly. So if you couldn’t make it to the event (described below), you can view the recording at:

Thanks again to Maurice, Sarah, Darren and Tim for being a part of the panel!!! We’ll have another presentation or panel session, this time hosted by the Canadian Institute for Distance Education Research (CIDER) in May and I hope to see you there.

NACOL Monthly Webinars
Special Edition WebinarState of the Nation: K-12 Online Learning in Canada

January 24, 2012
2:00 PM (Eastern)

The fourth annual State of the Nation: K-12 Online Learning in Canada report was released by the International Association for K-12 Online Learning in November. The report indicates that distance education at the K-12 level is continuing to grow in Canada and exists at some level in all 13 provinces and territories. However, the growth and level of activity is uneven.

Come hear Michael Barbour, report author, discuss how online learning has evolved over the four years that this study has been conducted. Michael will be joined by a panel of individuals representing K-12 online learning programs from several Canadian provinces to describe how the policies and regulation in their particular province have been implemented at the local level.


Michael Barbour, Wayne State University

Maurice Barry, Centre for Distance Learning and Innovation

Sarah Hainsworth, Nova Scotia Department of Education

Darren Cannell, Saskatoon Catholic Cyber School

Tim Winkelmans, British Columbia Ministry of Education

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