
CANeLearn July 8 Summary Proceedings

The Canadian eLearning Network held its July 2014 Summer Summit at York University on Tuesday, July 8.  Thank you for those who were able to join us for a day of sharing and learning.  And thank you to our sponsors who made it possible for us to host the event free of registration costs: Streams (by Junyo), Pearson Canada, i-edit, Nimbus, and BiblioMondo (see for a full list of our sponsors).

As you know, our pan-Canadian discussion focused on the emerging trends in blended and online learning across Canada.  The July 8 day-long event was an opportunity to inform and share, expanding on the State of the Nation: K-12 Online Learning in Canada Report, searching for successful strategies to support blended and online learning across the country.

Forty of us attended the session held at York University’s Technology Enhanced Learning building on their Keele campus.  Attached is a summary of the proceedings of the day, including summaries of the group discussions in the afternoon.  Also, please see pictures of the event on the last two pages of the attached document (courtesy of Noeline Laccetti).

The CANeLearn board is meeting on Tuesday, July 22nd to finalize our preparations for taking action based on the series of meetings held throughout the July 7-9 time in Ontario.  We will be launching a renewed membership structure and starting to take action based on your input and feedback last week.

We look forward to connecting with you when our formal website is launched.  In the meantime please mark the date for the first Annual General Meeting to be held on Tuesday, September 16 at 3:30 pm Pacific, or 6:30 pm Eastern.  More information will follow, as will the details about signing up as members of our new organization.
In the meantime, should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.



R. LaBonte
Canadian eLearning Network

Cell: 250-701-7485

Attachment: CANeLearn-July-8-Meeting-Proceedings.pdf
