
blendEd 2017 Conference

We received another notice last week about this CANeLearn-partnered conference coming up next week in Alberta.

Hi. Everyone!
Hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving weekend!

We are just 13 days away from what is going to be an outstanding learning opportunity for delegates, sponsors, and presenters!

As you prepare for the symposium please note the following important details:

1. There have been some additional changes in the program.  Check out the program at:

BlendED2017 Symposium –

2. Parking information will be sent out two days beforehand.

3.  Please note there is no print program and all Symposium program information is available to you on mobile, tablet, and computer at the Sched links below. On Sched you can select the sessions you would like to attend during the symposium. We assign session rooms based on sign-ups, with the more popular sessions getting the larger rooms, so your help would be greatly appreciated!  You can change your mind later, but please sign up to sessions now so you won’t be disappointed if the room is full and you cannot get in!

4. Don’t forget to attend both socials on Wednesday and Thursday night.  See the website for further details and time.

5. A conference hotel map is online and available here:

6. Finally, we invite you to tweet (#blendEdAB ) and post about the symposium on social media sites.

Questions?  Email [email protected].  We are looking forward to seeing you at the symposium – and thank you for registering for the blendEd2017 Symposium!

Looking forward to seeing you there!

Michelle Khatib
On behalf of the blendEd 2017 Program Committee
Michelle Khatib
Vice Principal/Instructional Designer

St. Gabriel Online School (Grades 8-12)
St. John Paul II Catholic Outreach School (Grades 10-12)
Home Education (Kindergarten – Grade 12)
English as a Second Language Reception Centre