
CIDER Session – November 1 2017

While this session is more focused on higher education, there may be some lessons in it for folks in the K-12 environment.  Check out this CIDER session later today.

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Athabasca University Social Software in Undergraduate Studies
Dear CIDER Member,
We invite you to the second session of the 2017-18 CIDER Sessions season on November 1, 2017. This free, online session will feature Dr. Kathlyn Bradshaw of Algonquin College.
Title: Conceptualizing Formal and Informal Learning in MOOCs as Activity Systems
This CIDER session considers formal and informal learning activities in massive open online courses (MOOCs). MOOCs are often broadly positioned as either cMOOCs (based on connectivistic pedagogies) or xMOOCs (based on cognitivistic/behaviouristic pedagogies). This presentation provides findings from an in situ case study – examining an emergent, hybrid MOOC design – focused on establishing the presence of both formal and informal learning activities in a network-based hybrid approach to MOOC design. The establishment of these two activity systems extended to include opportunities for boundary crossings between them. An outcome is a cultural-historical activity theory (CHAT)-informed model that extends commonly used and recognized MOOC typologies.
When: Wednesday, November 1, 2017 – 11am to 12noon Mountain Time (Canada)
Where: Online through Adobe Connect at:
Registration is not required; all are welcome. CIDER Sessions are recorded and archived for later viewing through the CIDER website. For more information on CIDER and our Sessions, please visit us at:
Open call: There are still a few spots open for the 2017-18 season. Researchers who would like to share recent work with our CIDER audience can send a note of interest to [email protected]
Please note that it is important to set up your system prior to the event. Make sure your Mac or PC is equipped with a microphone and speakers, so that you can use the audio functionality built into the conferencing software. The Adobe Connect platform may require an update to your Flash Player; allow time for this update by joining the session 10 minutes prior to the scheduled presentation.
CIDER sessions are brought to you by the International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning (IRRODL) and the Centre for Distance Education, Athabasca University: Canada’s Open University and leader in professional online education. The Sessions and their recordings are open and available to all, licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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Athabasca University

Canadian Initiative for Distance Education Research

EdmontonAB T5J 3S8

Athabasca University · Canadian Initiative for Distance Education Research · 1200, 10011 – 109 Street · Edmonton, AB T5J 3S8 · Canada