
Subscribe to the CANeLearn YouTube Channel

Over the past few months we have been busy transferring our recorded content to our new YouTube channel.

For example, we have recordings from the recent CANeLearn Symposium, the CANeLearn Leadership Summit, previous CANeLearn webinars, and even from our 2012 K-12 Online Leaders Summit.

Additionally, CANeLearn has been actively working with its partners at the Michigan Virtual Learning Research Institute, the Canadian Institute for Distance Education Research, and the International Association for K-12 Online Learning to repost recordings of webinars they have hosted that have focused on K-12 distance, online, and blended learning in Canada or that have been delivered by prominent Canadian presenters.  This includes sessions from recent annual meetings of the Provincial-Territorial Distance Education Association, where CANeLearn has been an official partner.

Further, CANeLearn has worked with the State of the Nation: K-12 E-Learning in Canada research project to add recordings from previous conference presentations related to K-12 distance, online, and blended learning in Canada – which primarily include old Virtual School Symposium presentations.

Finally, along with videos that we have uploaded to the CANeLearn YouTube Channel, we have also created several playlists using videos related to K-12 distance, online, and blended learning in Canada that have been uploaded by others, including videos from Michael Barbour and Elizabeth Murphy.