
Review Your Experiences With CANeLearn

The Canadian eLearning Network (CANeLearn) has been in formal existence since around 2013.  During that time we have been consistently hosting events, partnering with other organizations, and building a library of resources to support K-12 elearning throughout Canada.  For example, we have hosted Summer Leadership Summits in 2014, 2015, and 2017; and a Symposium in 2017.  We have partnered with the Ontario eLearning Consortium on their annual Bringing Online Learning Teachers Together (BOLTT) Conference and the annual blendED in Alberta.  Finally, we have an archive of presentations on our YouTube channel and images from our events on our Facebook page.

Another feature of our Facebook page is the ability to leave a review of the organization.  This feature is available at:

As an organization that is still relatively new, we would ask that you visit our Facebook page and leave a review of your experiences with CANeLearn.
