Speak Up News, January 30, 2019
The Project Tomorrow team is excited to share big news with you regarding the future of Speak Up!
Speak Up is the research tool districts use to learn what students, educators, parents, and the community have to say about education issues, and this year marks the 15th year collecting and reporting authentic data from stakeholders to schools and districts. As we celebrate this milestone, we have listened to your feedback and we want to do more for you! Below you will find the new and exciting resources Speak Up will be offering.
Remember that all of these resources are still made available for your schools and districts at no cost! This is made possible by the generosity of our sponsors.
Some of these new resources include:
* No timeline or deadlines, Speak Up is open through the academic school year.
* Customization and personalization of Speak Up data collection tools.
* Speak Up Intelligence Guides.
Watch the video announcement made by Dr. Julie A. Evans at the 2019 FETC here.
Read the official Press Release. click here
Project Tomorrow sits with the EduTechGuys at the 2019 Future of Education Technology Conference to discuss the Speak Up research project. Click here for podcast.
I case you missed it… Check our our iboss blog and 2019 Speak Up Challenges.
Thank you for reading! Feel free to share your thoughts with us on Facebook, Twitter, and our Blog.
-The Project Tomorrow team
Speak Up Resources
No timeline or deadlines, Speak Up is open through the academic school year.
That is right, we have lifted the Speak Up deadlines; this means you and your school/district can plan accordingly and set up your own schedule. The surveys will be open year round. Partner with us to create a timeline that best fits your schedule.
Customization and personalization of Speak Up data collection tools.
We want to make sure you can customize the tools that you need in order to collect the data you want from your stakeholders. Here are three ways you can collect data.
1. |
Speak Up 360 – Annual, comprehensive feedback tool to learn about the views of education stakeholders. Speak Up 360 provides education leaders with tools to collect and analyze longitudinal data around multiple themes and from a variety of audiences to support both short- and long-term planning and decision-making. |
2. |
Speak Up Snapshots – Data collection tools focused on particularly timely topics of interest to education leaders. For this year, the focus is on the impact of mobile learning initiatives and the professional learning experiences and aspirations of teachers. |
3. |
Speak Up Flash Indicators – Short 5-question surveys on hot topics in education aimed to collect indicator data to inform current initiatives or decisions. This year’s hot topics include school-to-home communications, school safety and digital citizenship. |
Speak Up Intelligence Guides
This new solution has been developed to help you understand and present your data in the best manner. It is important that you have the tools to be able to identify questions and set up actionable items based on your feedback. We will provide the framework for you using actionable knowledge, throughout the years we are able to help you translate you data with context and experience.
Video Announcement
“When school and district leaders understand the needs and aspirations of these most important constituencies, those leaders are more effective in designing, developing and implementing transformations in the education system that will better prepare students for the future. We have upgraded our Speak Up solutions to make that a reality within all schools.” -Dr. Julie A. Evans, CEO
Watch the LIVE announcement of the new Speak Up resources made at the 2019 Future of Education Technology Conference in Orlando, FL on Monday 1/28.
Click here to watch the video.
Speak Up Press Release-1/29
Project Tomorrow Unveils Expanded Opportunities for Schools and Districts to Use Speak Up to Learn from Key Stakeholders
Annual Speak Up Project, in its 16th Year, is Adding to its Suite of Support
for All School and District Leaders to Improve K-12 Teaching and Learning
Orlando, Fla. – The tool that thousands of schools and districts have used for 15 years to inform and evaluate how digital learning is impacting instruction and student outcomes is now available on demand. Project Tomorrow‘s Speak Up Research Project for Digital Learning (Speak Up) will no longer have participation windows and deadlines. School and district leaders can now use the free, nationally recognized Speak Up suite of tested resources whenever they need to collect feedback from their stakeholders. And, that is just the beginning of the changes to come.
“We believe that the views and values of K-12 students, parents and teachers, as well as community members, are a powerful asset that is not being fully leveraged by most schools and districts,” explained Dr. Julie Evans, CEO of Project Tomorrow.
Click here to view full Press Release.
EduTechGuys and Speak Up at FETC 2019
Dr. Julie A. Evans, CEO was invited to sit down with the EduTechGuys and share about our Speak Up research project. She talked about the Value In Return (VIR) of participating in this survey and why all schools and districts should take advantage of this FREE service.
Listen here to the podcast.
Check out our guest blog post from one of our Speak Up sponsors,iboss: “When Public and Private Sectors Engage – Special Things Can Happen.” We are happy to be working with them and others on National Advisory Council on Cybersecurity (NACC)
BOSTON Mass., January 16, 2019– iboss, a leader in cloud security, hosted the executive board of the National Advisory Council on Cybersecurity (NACC) at their Boston Headquarters. The focus of the day’s events included an executive roundtable, consisting of the iboss senior executive team and the NACC board discussing the growing concerns associated with the potential negative impact the lack of adequate cybersecurity technology and practice is having across the nation’s public education system.
Click here for entire blog.
2018-19 Speak Up Challenges
This year we are introducing our Blog/Vlog challenges, these challenges are meant for students and principals to interact with new mediums: we want to hear from students on what they predict is the future of learning. What do they envision school will be like in 2025? We also want to hear from principals as to what they learned from their 2017 Speak Up data. #VoicesofSpeakUp
Student Blog/Vlog Challenge
Challenge Type: Individual
Participant eligibility: K-12 students
Prize: $100/student (3 winners) & $100/supporting teacher (3 winners)
Deadline: Thursday January 31, 2019 3:00pm PT.
Write a 500 word blog or create a 2-3 min vlog answering the following prompt:
Help us predict the future of learning! What will “school” be like in 2025? How will new technologies change the way students go to school, learn, and interact with their teachers and classmates?
Submit your entry here.
Principal Blog/Vlog Challenge
Challenge Type: Individual
Participant eligibility: School Principal
Prize: $300 (one winner)
Deadline: Thursday January 31, 2019 3:00pm PT.
Write a 1,000 word blog or create a 3-5 min vlog answering the following prompt:
What did we (your school) learn from our 2017 Speak Up data?
Submit your entry here.
Photos are allowed in both blog/vlog submissions. In order to qualify for any prize the entire class of the teacher leader must participate and complete the Speak Up survey. By submitting your blog/video, you also give Project Tomorrow permission to use it for any educational or promotional purpose related to Speak Up.
Winners will be announced the first week of February!
Thank you for your interest and continued support of Speak Up! Be sure to stay updated on all things Speak Up by following us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and our Blog.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact the Speak Up team at [email protected] or via phone at (949) 609-4660 ext. 17.
Many thanks to our sponsors and partners for the support of Speak Up: Agile Education Marketing, Apex Learning, Blackboard, Inc., BrainPOP, iboss, National Geographic Society, Rosetta Stone Education, Scholastic Education, AASA,
Association of Education Service Agencies, CETPA, CoSN, Consortium for School Networking, CUE, Future Ready, ICE (Indiana Connected Educators), iNACOL, ISTE, International Society for Technology in Education, MassCUE, National Catholic Educational Association, National School Boards Association, National Association of Elementary School Principals, National Association of Secondary School Principals, NCCE (Northwest Council for Computer Education), NETA (Nebraska Educational Technology Association), SETDA, The School Superintendent’s Association, State Education Technology Directors’ Association and TCEA (Texas Computer Education Association).