May Speak Up News!
Here is some exciting news for the month of May.
Remember that there is still time to participate! Speak Up is open until the end of the academic year.
In case you missed it…
Exporting your data is easy: Simply print the results or copy and paste them into one of our templates.
Need help with your Speak Up data? Learn more about our Speak Up services.
We love hearing from you! Feel free to share your thoughts with us on Facebook, Twitter, and our Blog.
-The Project Tomorrow team
Two new reports from Project Tomorrow!
Reading the Pulse of the K-12 Communications Leader
In a collaborative report between Blackboard and Project Tomorrow 700+ Communications Leaders reveal what’s at the heart of communication strategies, how parents are involved in school communications, and which tools are most effective for different types of communication.
Click here to learn more
Coding in K-8 Classrooms: Empowering A New Generation of Creators
Our nation’s schools are more focused today than ever before on ensuring that today’s students have the college, career, and
citizenry skills they need to be successful in the future. Guided by high-profile national organizations and advocacy from the
corporate community, K-12 schools are now in the business of connecting students’ classroom learning experiences to their
development of key workplace skills such as critical thinking, collaboration, communications, and creativity. In this collaborative report learn about Project Tomorrow and BrainPOP’s findings.
Click here to learn more
June 23-26, Philadelphia, PA
Attending ISTE 2019? Join Dr. Julie A. Evan during her engaging sessions:
Coding in K-8 Classrooms: Empowering Creativity Everyday
Monday, June 24, 8:30–9:30 am EDT (Eastern Daylight Time)
Let’s get beyond the coding hype! In this hands-on session, we’ll leverage the Speak Up national results to dive deeply into how learning coding enables students to develop creativity skills and become content creators. Using real tools, we’ll explore what educators need to infuse coding into K-8 curriculum.
Too Much Screen Time – Fake News or Real Parental Concern?
Monday, June 24, 10:30–11:30 am EDT (Eastern Daylight Time)
Education leaders are perplexed by parents’ views on technology use: parents worry about too much screen time but say digital learning is important. This session will unpack current research on parents’ views and provide K-12 leaders with insights to address screen time concerns with effective messaging and real data.
About the ISTE Conference & Expo
The ISTE Conference & Expo is recognized globally as the most comprehensive educational technology conference in the world. For more than three decades, educators and education leaders have gathered at the ISTE conference to engage in hands-on learning, exchange ideas and network with like-minded thinkers seeking to transform learning and teaching.
The annual event attracts over 16,000 attendees and industry representatives, including teachers, technology coordinators, administrators, library media specialists, teacher educators and policymakers. Attendees also enjoy world-class keynotes, hundreds of sessions in a variety of formats and a massive expo hall.
Click here for ISTE 2019 details
Student and Principal
2019 Speak Up Challenge!
The 2018-19 Student Speak Up Challenge was created with the objective of having students analyze and critically think about the near future of technology use in the classroom. Using the prompt: Help us predict the future of learning! What will “school” be like in 2025? How will new technologies change the way students go to school, learn, and interact with their teachers and classmates? This year’s challenge is meant to introduce new technology mediums to students; by creating a blog students can learn new creative ways to write in an interactive way. Vlogs give students an opportunity to emerge in new technologies like filming, video editing, etc.
Two winning students will receive a $100 Amazon gift card. They will also receive a separate $100 Amazon gift card fro their TEACHER! That’s right! Teachers encourage your students participation in this challenge for YOUR chance to win big!
Calling out all Principals! Our 2018-19 Principal Speak Up Challenge has been created to give Principals the opportunity to share what they have learned from their school Speak Up data but also, we want to know: What did your school learn from your data?!
One winning principal will receive a $300 Amazon gift card for his/her school!
The Challenge will be open throughout the rest of the academic year, announcements of the second-round winners will be made early July!
Need inspiration?
“Technology is quickly advancing and it’s going to affect everyone who does or doesn’t use tech.” says 7th grader Anakin Guzzetta, winner of this year’s Speak Up Challenge.
Click here to read the first round Student Blog Winner!
Access your Speak Up results online
All schools and districts who registered for Speak up 2018-19 can now access their data for free – here’s how:
1. |
Click here to access your reports, then select the 2018 collection period. |
2. |
Select either the District or the School option. |
3. |
Next, the name of your district or school name and the state. |
4. |
Select your district or school from the list and enter your password. |
5. |
To view data reports, select the number in the ” # of District Surveys” column to display that survey type. |
6. |
To view your ope-ended text responses, click on “District” in the Open Ended Responses Column. |
*Please note: at least one survey must be present to display the survey results with state and national comparisons.
Note for 2018-2019 reports: As of 2/15/19 online reports are considered valid and are ready for download. Online reports will continue to refresh with up to date results every Saturday evening through the close of Speak Up. For those that have completed Speak Up, your local results will stay the same, but you will now also have access to real time results for state and national data until the close of the survey in June.
Exporting your Speak Up data
Exporting your Speak Up data is quick and easy! Just follow these steps:
1. |
Highlight and copy the Speak Up data by survey type from your Speak Up results homepage. |
2. |
Paste your data into our template Excel spreadsheet (click here to download) – the survey types are already organized by tab. |
3. |
The file is already formatted to print, making it easy to view your data! |
Click here to learn more about accessing your data or watch our quick how-to video here.
Data Templates
Coming Soon!
PowerPoint Templates
Data and Discussion Guides for educators and students such as:
1. State of Digital Citizenship Education
2. Addressing the Homework Gap
3. Teacher Professional Learning
4. Preparing Students for the World of Work
Click here for more information.
Need help?
The Project Tomorrow staff is available to help you effectively use your data. Here are just a few of the services we can provide you:
▪ Identify the top 5 trends in your school, district or state with national benchmarks
▪ Create a Speak Up presentation that you can use to share your Speak Up results in your school or district
▪ Provide Speak Up fast facts that can be used on your website, newsletters or promotional materials
▪ Present your Speak Up data in person or via a webinar
▪ Prepare a summary of your specific Speak Up findings (school, district or state) that can be distributed to your stakeholders
▪ Write a case statement, using the Speak Up data, highlighting the benefits of investing in technology (school, district, state or national)
▪ Prepare a customized narrative report about your Speak Up data (school, district or state)
Contact the Speak Up Team to learn more about our consulting services and fees.
Thank you for your interest and continued support of Speak Up! Be sure to stay updated on all things Speak Up by following us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and our Blog.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Speak Up team at [email protected] or via phone at (949) 609-4663
Many thanks to our sponsors and partners for the support of Speak Up: Agile Education Marketing, Apex Learning, Blackboard, Inc., BrainPOP, iboss, National Geographic Society, Rosetta Stone Education, Scholastic Education, AASA, Association of Education Service Agencies, CETPA, CoSN, Consortium for School Networking, CUE, Future Ready, ICE (Indiana Connected Educators), iNACOL, ISTE, International Society for Technology in Education, MassCUE, National Catholic Educational Association, National School Boards Association, National Association of Elementary School Principals, National Association of Secondary School Principals, NCCE (Northwest Council for Computer Education), NETA (Nebraska Educational Technology Association), SETDA, The School Superintendent’s Association, State Education Technology Directors’ Association and TCEA (Texas Computer Education Association).