
Reminder: Online PD Today at 1:00 PM Eastern!

Please forward this email as appropriate as this week’s webinar in our CANeLearn members series is again open to everyone.

Today’s Highlights

Webinar: Monday, Apr. 27 from 1-2:00 pm Eastern

  • BOLT – Blended and Online Learning and Teaching — Presenters Dr. Constance Blomgren, Dr. Marti Cleveland-Innes, Laurel Beaton
  • Click here for more information
  • Login:

    As ubiquitous access to technology increases in K-12 classrooms, a shift in the way in which learning is designed and delivered is beginning to materialize. In the K-12 education, technology enhanced learning, whether it is a version of blended or fully online is a growing and developing area of education. This trend will likely only increase in the future due to pressure from reduced budgets, changes to educational policy, increased access to technology, better understanding of connectivist approaches to learning and demand from learners.

    As teachers begin to shift their classroom practice towards technology-enhanced learning in its variety of models and classifications, a need for deep understanding of the pedagogy, theory and practice of this type of learning has emerged.

EdTech Open Workshops: Next series starting Today!

Toward Flexible Learning Solutions in Canada: A Symposium for K-12 Blended and Online Learning Leaders – July 8 & 9, 2015 (Halifax) Click here for more information

blendED Alberta Symposium (Oct. 25-27 Edmonton) Call for Proposals

See you online today!

Questions?  Let me know.
R. LaBonte
Canadian eLearning Network
[email protected]