
Online PD February 26 – Upcoming CANeLearn Events – CANeLearn February News

February 2015 Edition

Greetings all.  This message is being sent to all members and those who signed up for the he Canadian eLearning Network (CANeLearn) newsletter.  Please forward this email as appropriate as this week’s webinar in our CANeLearn members series is again open to everyone.

February news highlights include:

  2. Blending Future Forward – CANeLearn nominated iNACOL award winning program article
    • Call for vignettes for State of the Nation: K-12 Blended and Online Learning in Canada
    • Michigan’s K-12 Virtual Learning Effectiveness Report
    • iNACOL Blended Learning Competency Framework
    • VIU Online Learning and Teaching Diploma program sign-up

Scroll down for details…

Questions?  Please let me know.  If you have not signed up for the newsletter, please click the link below to do so:
Yours in learning,

R. LaBonte
Canadian eLearning Network

Cell: 250-701-7485
[email protected]



WEBINAR: Thursday, February 26 from 3-4:00 pm Eastern (noon Pacific)

Literacy Across Subject Areas:  How can teachers effectively address the literacy needs of learners in online environments? 

Click here to register

What can we do to foster literacy in online and blended learning?  Dr. Lee Graham from the University of Alaska will share some ideas based on research and invite you to share ideas that work for you in your practice.  Join us in this information and sharing session.

Check out other online PD events on our Google Calendar (sync to it!):


blendED 2015: Alberta’s Blended and Online Symposium

October 2527, 2015 West Edmonton


2015 Digital Learning Conference

April 19-21, 2015 Vancouver


EdTech Open Workshops

Feb.27-Mar.4, 2015 Online

  • Engaging parents in their child’s increasingly digital education
  • Other sessions upcoming
  • More info at


2. Blending Future Forward

  • CANeLearn nominated iNACOL award winning Navigate program article published
  • Learn about a number of unique programs taking advantage of blended and online options powered by technology
  • Click here to read the article here (PDF)



Call for vignettes for State of the Nation: K-12 Blended and Online Learning in Canada

  • The Canadian eLearning Network is compiling data on blended and online learning programs across Canada
  • If you have a story or unique program you would like to profile (like the Navigate program featured above), email us at [email protected]

Michigan’s K-12 Virtual Learning Effectiveness Report 

  • Findings from this US report on the state of K-12 learning in Michigan include an apparent growth in the number of students and schools participating in virtual courses, with the majority of virtual enrollments coming in the core subject areas.
  • Students taking virtual courses in a supplemental capacity appear to be more successful when they take only a few virtual enrollments a year.
  • Report calls for the development of practices to better support students who take higher amounts of virtual enrollments.
  • Click here to read the report (PDF)


iNACOL and The Learning Accelerator Release a Teacher Competency Framework for Blended Learning

  • As schools and districts transition to new learning models using online and blended environments, they are asking for assistance in understanding teachers’ new roles and effectively supporting them in transitioning to new models of teaching and learning.
  • To respond to this need, The International Association for K-12 Online Learning (iNACOL) and The Learning Accelerator (TLA)  released the iNACOL Blended Learning Teacher Competency Framework .
  • Click here to view the Framework (PDF)



Applications for OLTD now being accepted for September 2015.

  • VIU (Vancouver Island University) Graduate Diploma in Online Learning and Teaching (OLTD) Distance learning is one of BC’s educational growth areas and teachers with expertise in this rewarding field are in popular demand.
  • This innovative, two-year part-time, fully-online, 30 credit program, develops confident educators competent in the use of existing and emergent technologies to optimize online learning and teaching opportunities for diverse learners in equally diverse environments.
  • Students will explore theory and its practical applications based on research, as well as current and emergent practices.
  • Applications for September 2015 are now being accepted.
  • Program information: 
  • Apply Online: