Note these two special issue calls from the Journal of Online Learning Research. The second one, on online course design, is being guest edited by CANeLearn member Christopher Rozitis. It would be great if we could increase the Canadian content that was contributed.
We hope this email finds you well. The Journal of Online Learning Research (JOLR) has two upcoming special issues:
o Guest Co-Editors: Mary Rice (, Mark Deschaine, Daryl Mellard
o Manuscripts Due: October 20, 2017
o Guest Co-Editors: Christopher P. Rozitis (, Khendum Gyabak, Krista Tomaselli
o Manuscripts Due: April 20, 2018
Could you please share these opportunities with anyone you think might be interested? The guest editors are also happy to answer any questions regarding their special issue.
Thank you for your help!
Jered Borup & Leanna Archambault
Co-Editors-in-Chief, Journal of Online Learning Research