![]() Welcome to the Spring Break – an extra-long one for many this year with the Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic. These are unprecedented times we live in, everyone is challenged but it is encouraging to see how Canadians have come together and are following our health authority’s advice. It may be time to break out pictures from past trips, like this one of my trip into the depths of a limestone cave. It may be a fitting representation of the vast unknown we face each day right now. With the pandemic, we are seeing many schools across North America closing their doors and shifting to online learning. For those of us who have taught online for years, we know that this “switch” does not happen overnight or through a one-day orientation for classroom-based teachers. Offering remote instruction via live lectures or lessons with online assignments does not equal engaging online learning. CANeLearn has compiled several resources that speak to the challenges that many teachers could be facing in the near future if forced to teach remotely. We also have included other news, resources, and tips to help you in your own practice. We are also planning to move the April 19-21 Digital Learning Symposium online due to the BC directive banning gatherings of 250 people or more in meetings in hotel facilities. As such, we can now open up the event to all Canadian educators. Watch for news coming with information and a revised program. Have a safe, comfortable, and hopefully peaceful Spring Break “staycation”. We will look back on this time soon enough, but unlike previous pandemics, its impact likely will remain with us for a long time. Photos, unless otherwise noted, by @rlabonte or Unsplash In the NewsETC offers free online webinars
2020 EDUCAUSE Horizon Report
ADLC funding being phased out
New reports: Future of learning
eCampusOntario H5P Studio
National Survey Postsec Online
Why students choose online
Featured Events===========================================Blended Learning Practice MOOCA free, 4-week course open all March fromCommonwealth of Learning (COL) and Athabasca UniversityLearn more/register at https://www.blpmooc.org/register ===========================================2020 Digital Learning SymposiumApril 19-21Now Online — Information coming soon!https://new.canelearn.net/symposium20/ ===========================================OTESSA ~ Inaugural Conference!Open/Technology in Education, Society, and Scholarship Association May 31-June 2 in London ON===========================================FAME20 Art & Technology ConferenceAugust 22 in Vancouverhttps://info.vanas.ca/fame-conference-update/ ===========================================Clayton R. Wright List of EdTech Conferences via @Downeshttps://www.downes.ca/cgi-bin/page.cgi?post=70103 Resources for the Digital ClassroomVoices into action
Common Sense Education Resources
UNESCO Resources
Quality Matters Emergency Remote Teaching Checklist
COVID-19 – The Watershed Moment for Digital Pedagogy?
Adventures in ArchivesAurora Institute (formerly iNACOL) Symposium 2020
Joe Sisco’s Keynote from blendED Alberta
See all CANeLearn archives here (members only) |